Choose to purchase securely through Nexcod, add products that interest you in the shopping cart and pay conveniently with a credit card. Once the order has been shipped, the seller will send you the tracking code where in the section my orders you can monitor where the product you ordered is located. When you receive your shipment you will receive a notification of successful delivery by email and on our portal, from that moment you will have 7 days to check that the content of the shipment is congruous to the one ordered. In case the shipment has not arrived or the product arrived is not the one ordered you can block the payment to the seller by opening a complaint. If we detect the violations by the seller you will be completely compensated.
n case you have not received your order, or the goods are faulty, damaged or not corresponding to what you ordered just go to \ "my orders > traking > open complaint and you will be contacted by the seller and a Nexcod administrator where you can find a solution to your problem together or be reimbursed All refund policy can be found at point 4 of our Terms of Service.
Yes, but you will need to use two different emails for each type of account
After checking that the goods have not been picked up by the family, concierge, neighbors ect, you can open a claim in the section my orders> tracking> open complaint. The administrator of Nexcod will further block the credit until the situation has been clarified. in case we find the attempt to scam we will refund the purchase. We remind you that also in this case you will have 7 days from the notification to forward the complaint after which you will no longer be able to request a refund.
No, after leaving a positive feedback it is no longer possible to open claims and be reimbursed.
For the proper functioning of our platform it is preferable to leave feedback if both the purchase is positive and if problems arise. We remind you that feedback can be issued no later than 7 days from the delivery of the order, beyond which the credit will be automatically unlocked to the seller. You can independently manage how many days of the week to use before leaving feedback based on the type of goods ordered.
You can pay by credit card the only currency currently accepted for the purchase is the Euro
In Nexcod, the sellers will never keep or know your credit card information. During the purchase phase you will be returned to the page of our bank partner where you can proceed with the payment.
Upload an article on our portal adding the data of the product you want to sell, once done waiting for the approval of the administrator and then share your link on social networks or on your website. Once a customer has ordered and paid for the order, you will receive the shipping and billing information. Ship the order with one of the Nexcod-enabled couriers and enter the tracking code of the shipment in the Nexcod portal. Initially the amount related to the sale will be credited to your account but will not be transferable to your bank account. Once the site of the correire will notify the successful delivery the customer can release the payment, in case of default of the customer the system will automatically unlock the payment after 7 days from the notification of receipt. In case of reblamo by the customer the credit will remain blocked for the necessary investigations, in case we do not find violations the credit will be unlocked and made available otherwise it will be returned to the customer.
You can make sales on Nexcod through the couriers listed here, but you can not sell with different courier or that does not have a tracking code: SDA, Poste Italiane, BRT Bartolini, Fercam, GLS Italy, SGT, TNT Italy, Nexive, Hermes Italy, DHL, Fedex, Sailpost, UPS, TNT International, Hermesworld International, GLS International.
The goods must be ready for delivery or available within 9 days within which the shipment must be sent and the tracking code entered in the appropriate form. It can be of new type or used, in case it is used it can be damaged but must be working. For the complete list of items banned by Nexcod you can go to item 12 of our terms of service.
After verifying your account, you can go to request funds > make a request and choose the amount to be transferred based on the available account credit
In the total credit meter you will also find the outstanding credit waiting for the customer's positive feedback so it is not yet transferable, the credit relating to the completed successful orders is in the available credit and you can move it to your bank account.
Nexcod for anti-money laundering regulations need to verify your identity before you can transfer the money to your bank account, to check just go to documents> upload document and follow the guide by sending required documents, the documentation varies depending on whether the seller is a natural person or a company or a company. Once you've uploaded all the required documents correctly your account will be unlocked within three business days and you will be able to transfer the credit to your bank account.
After 7 days from the delivery of the goods, you can request the manual release of the credit by the administrator by sending an email to [email protected] specifying in the email the order number, the name of the courier and the tracking code related to the shipment.
Yes, under the conditions that the goods must be ready for delivery and that your dealer uses one of the couriers available on Nexcod and must send you the tracking code related to the order sold, which you will then have to enter in the Nexcod panel.